Pedestrian Fatalities in Work Zones

In 2018, there were 122 cases of pedestrians killed as a result of a work zone crash. 9 Work zone pedestrian fatalities are often assumed to be members of the public who have fallen into complacency walking a routine route. However, in 2018, 38% of pedestrian fatalities in work zones were actually on the job and primarily engaged in road work, utility work, and planning/surveying.

Work activities at the time of death include activities such as installing traffic signs, reopening a lane, flagging, picking up debris, replacing damaged concrete, paving operations, exiting a work vehicle, utility work, construction labor, DOT electrical work, DOT maintenance work, fence contracting, repairing guardrail, stringing cable guard rail, and repairing a bridge.

Based on a review of each work zone pedestrian fatality, it is found that

  • Activity: Many Pedestrian Fatalities in Work Zones occurred while working (38%, 46 of 122).
  • Work Activity: The majority of Working Pedestrian Fatalities in Work Zones were engaged in road work, utility work, planning/surveying (87%, 40 of 46 Working Pedestrians).
  • Work Hazard: The majority of Working Pedestrian Fatalities in Work Zones were killed by motorist incursions (80%, 37 of 46 Working Pedestrians)
  • Location: Few Pedestrian Fatalities in Work Zones occurred at/near intersections (15%, 18 of 122).

Fatalities Resulting from Work Zone Crashes 9
(Mouseover data points for details.)

2018 Work Zone Crash Fatalities by Person Type
(Total: 754) 9

(Mouseover data points for details.)

87% of Working Pedestrians were engaged in Road Work, Utility Work, or Planning/Surveying.

Work Activity of the 46 Working Pedestrians in Work Zones (2018)

Road Work activities at the time of death include activities such as installing traffic signs, reopening a lane, flagging, picking up debris, replacing damaged concrete, paving operations, exiting a work vehicle, utility work, construction labor, DOT electrical work, DOT maintenance work, fence contracting, repairing guardrail, stringing cable guard rail, and repairing a bridge.

80% of Working Pedestrians were killed by a motorist incursion into the work zone.
Hazard Contributing to the Death of the 46 Working Pedestrians in Work Zones (2018)


Fatality data was obtained from the 2018 NHTSA FARS dataset 9 . Accident and Person datafiles were joined on ‘ST_CASE’ and filtered by ‘WRK_ZONE’>=1 (ACCIDENT file records a work zone), ‘INJ_SEV’==4 (PERSON file records a fatality for that person), and ‘PER_TYP’==5 (Person type recorded as Pedestrian). Each fatality was then categorized by Activity, Location, Work Type, and Work Hazard based on FARS, News Article, & OSHA case record information.
